Articles on: Tasks
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What are the possible uses of the Task module?

Tasks as a to-do list

The "Task Sheets" preference must be disabled in the Configuration area.

Tasks must be added to the job site.

The worker, driver or administrator can now easily check off when tasks are completed.

This is simpler to implement than the task sheets that must be completed daily by each worker for each assignment.

The task sheets

The "Task Sheets" preference must be enabled in the Configuration area.

Tasks must be added to the job site, automatically from the ERP or manually from the web application.

Workers will have to fill out a daily task sheet to declare the work done.

Administrators and supervisors must validate the task sheets on the application to update the progress of the construction site.

Activating the task sheets is not recommended at first because it will require more effort from the workers.

Updated on: 05/09/2023

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