Articles on: Registration process

How do I register on Alobees? (Owner only)

If you're not the owner of the company, this item is not for you! No personal initiative is required. Please wait for the invitation SMS and follow the instructions in this article.

To be able to manage your construction sites on Alobees, you must first create your company. To do this, you can follow the following instructions:

Go to and click on "Sign up for free"

As soon as you enter your mobile phone number, you will receive an SMS. Enter the code you received by SMS in the site.

Create your password of at least 8 characters including one capital letter and a number or special character.

Fill in the required fields (name, first name, email address and company name) then validate.

Your company is now created. Log in with your phone number and the password you just created.

Updated on: 31/08/2023

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