Articles on: Users

How to create a new user?

To make the application live, to exchange and to consult the schedules, it will be necessary to add users.
How ?

By clicking on the white cross in the blue circle. This is possible from the web or mobile, but it is advisable to make this new addition from the web to access all the possibilities.

A popup will appear. Fields in red are mandatory.

The user code must be the same as the ERP one. If you don't want to connect Alobees to your ERP, it is not necessary to fill in this field.

A role must be defined for the person, which will determine his access rights on Alobees.

The type can be created here or from the Settings. It allows you to sort the users according to their job.

The phone number to be added must be a mobile phone number.

Clicking on the "Create" button will send an SMS inviting the person to the company. The guest will have 1 hour to use the link included in the SMS and create his password.

It is possible to add a user without a phone number. This user will not have access to the application but the resource will be able to be scheduled.

Updated on: 31/08/2023

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